Dancing to the Beat of Her Own Drum

The Unique Dance Style of SU-METAL: A Look into Her Instinctive Dancing Approach

We all know SU-METAL for her powerful vocals, but did you know that she's also an incredible dancer? Despite hating it at first, SU-METAL fell in love with dancing and has become one of the most intense dancers not only in BABYMETAL but also in Sakura Gakuin.

Watching SU-METAL dance is truly a world of "How can you do that?" With her long limbs and dynamic movements, she brings a unique energy to the stage that is impossible to ignore. Unlike YUIMETAL's highly accomplished dancing, SU-METAL dances with dedication and single-minded devotion, making her dance truly moving.

And let's not forget about SU-METAL's flexibility. Apparently, her joints are unusually flexible, adding another layer of uniqueness to her movements. I had the pleasure of seeing SU-METAL dance in the background at TSUTAYA O-EAST in 2014, and I was blown away by her concentration and grace.

So, next time you watch a BABYMETAL performance, make sure to keep an eye on SU-METAL's dance moves. You might just find yourself asking, "How can she do that?"

Unleashing SU-METAL's Groove: The Choreographer's Impressions on Her Intense Dancing Style

The choreographer and dance coach for Babymetal, MIKIKO, had this to say about Suzuka Nakamoto: "SU-METAL is the kind of person who just goes wild and dances at 120% when she hears a sound. She dances by feel rather than by count, which is something I've never seen before. She has a groove that is instinctive, and it's like she's doing it naturally." 

In another interview, Mikiko said, "Su-chan is a complete artist from the time she was a little girl. She always gives her all, whether she's singing or dancing, and she does it by feel. She's hard to match up with others, and  can't save anything at all."

These comments show that Suzuka Nakamoto has a unique and instinctive way of learning and performing dance, which makes her a standout performer in Babymetal.

How Suzuka Nakamoto Learns Choreography by Sound

Are you curious about the secret behind Suzuka's incredible dance moves? It turns out that Suzuka is a unique learner who is able to absorb dance moves through sound rather than counting. This means that traditional teaching methods may not have worked for her, but luckily she found the perfect match in her dance teacher, MIKIKO-sensei.

MIKIKO-sensei's way of teaching, which involves teaching while singing and using sound cues, allowed Suzuka's talent for "extraordinary" dance to flourish. Without this keen eye and understanding of Suzuka's learning style, BABYMETAL may not have acquired the individuality that makes it stand out as a group.

But have you ever wondered if Suzuka's intense dancing style is meant to match the other members? The answer is no. Suzuka dances with a fierce dedication and single-minded devotion, which allows her individuality to shine through. It's this unique style that has helped BABYMETAL become the beloved group it is today.

So the next time you watch a BABYMETAL performance and marvel at Suzuka's incredible dance moves, remember that it's all thanks to her unique learning style and dedication to her craft.


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